When And Where You Should Check For Mold In Your Warehouse
1/28/2020 (Permalink)
If you begin to detect the odors associated with mildew or mold in your warehouse, or if your employees are experiencing them, don’t wait to investigate. Mold can live in walls, behind wallpaper, under flooring, and in ceilings, and these are just the most common places. If your investigation doesn’t find anything, the next best way to determine if the smell is coming from a mold colony is to hire a certified mold inspector to stop by and check it out. They will be able to run the necessary tests to determine if you have a mold problem in your warehouse.
Some places to check for mold will be a basement or cellar area, or the bathroom. Mold will take hold in damp areas, so if there is a wall or a floor where dampness is an issue, mold will be attracted there. It will establish colonies in dark corners, as well. Scheduling periodic visual inspections in these areas will help to identify a mold colony before it becomes unmanageable.
If your warehouse has recently undergone a flooding event or significant leaks have developed recently, these will be situations that could promote a mold issue. Always consider areas with moisture as places you need to pay attention to.
The wetter times of the year are going to be important times to be vigilant when it comes to mold in your warehouse. In Middle Tennessee that can be all year round! Be aggressive when investigating the source of mold and addressing it. If you need help, call the mold remediation experts here at SERVPRO of Belle Meade/West Nashville. We have the experience and skills needed to take care of the mold issues that can develop in your warehouse or business. We handle water damage and fire damage, too.